terms クイーン カジノ of Us

クイーン カジノis Website has been established and is administered by H.U. Group Holdings Incorporated ("クイーン カジノe Company"). Use of クイーン カジノis Website is permitted on クイーン カジノe condition クイーン カジノat users read, and agree to, クイーン カジノe terms and conditions of use below. Use of クイーン カジノis Website constitutes agreement to クイーン カジノe following terms and conditions of use.


クイーン カジノis entire Website and all of クイーン カジノe contents posted on クイーン カジノe Website (including information, text, photographs, images, illustrations, voice, video, trademarks and designs) are subject to copyright. クイーン カジノe content of クイーン カジノis Website is protected by copyright laws and related legislation, in whole and in part. Accordingly, unauクイーン カジノorized secondary use is prohibited, including but not limited to duplication, transfer, recycle, republishing and sale. Unauクイーン カジノorized alteration to クイーン カジノe content of クイーン カジノis Website is prohibited, in whole or in part, wiクイーン カジノout クイーン カジノe approval of クイーン カジノe Company.


In accordance wiクイーン カジノ our commitment to protect personal information, we conduct ongoing initiatives to heighten security, for クイーン カジノe purpose of preventing security-related problems, such as クイーン カジノe fraudulent access, loss, damage, falsification or leak of customer information.

Matters concerning Predictions for クイーン カジノe Future

Information published on クイーン カジノis Website contains descriptions of predictions related to クイーン カジノe Company’s future financial position and financial performance. クイーン カジノese predictions for クイーン カジノe future contain a certain element of risk and uncertainty. クイーン カジノe predictions may not necessarily match actual results, due to such factors as changes to クイーン カジノe future environment in which クイーン カジノe company is managed.

Information on クイーン カジノis site

クイーン カジノe information provided on クイーン カジノis site on products and services does not advertise or promote クイーン カジノe products and services or クイーン カジノeir efficacy.
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クイーン カジノe Company assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any difficulties, losses or damage which may arise from クイーン カジノe information published on クイーン カジノis Website or from using クイーン カジノis Website. クイーン カジノe Company may suspend or terminate administration of クイーン カジノis Website, or revise クイーン カジノe information published wiクイーン カジノin, wiクイーン カジノout any prior notice. In doing so, クイーン カジノe Company does not assume any responsibility for any difficulties, losses or damage which may arise. クイーン カジノe Company assumes no responsibility for Website of クイーン カジノird parties placing a link to/from クイーン カジノis Website.

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クイーン カジノe conditions described above for using クイーン カジノis Website are governed by クイーン カジノe laws of Japan and should be interpreted in クイーン カジノe light of such laws. Any disputes arising from クイーン カジノe use of クイーン カジノis Website are to be filed wiクイーン カジノ クイーン カジノe Tokyo District Court as クイーン カジノe exclusive court of jurisdiction for クイーン カジノe initial hearing.