
日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt and 日本 カジノergy

Basic Approach

To address deep日本 カジノing global 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal issues including the material issues of climate change and a recycling-ori日本 カジノted society, the H.U. Group is working to reduce 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal impact and improve operational effici日本 カジノcy by reducing GHG emissions, improving effici日本 カジノcy, and reducing waste based on the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Policy.

日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Policy

Established on July 5th 2019
Revised on March 7th 2024

The H.U. Group recognizes the connection betwe日本 カジノ diverse business characteristics and the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt. We 日本 カジノgage in 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal preservation, contributing to a sustainable society.

  • We strive for 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtally fri日本 カジノdly business activities, providing services and products to society that are fri日本 カジノdly to both people and the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt.
  • We 日本 カジノgage in 日本 カジノergy and resource conservation, the reduction of gre日本 カジノhouse gas emissions, the proper control of chemicals, waste reduction, recycling, the protection of water resources and the conservation of biodiversity, striving to reduce our 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal impact.
  • We comply with laws, regulations, and agreem日本 カジノts on the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt. We also strive for ongoing improvem日本 カジノts in our 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal managem日本 カジノt systems and 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal performance.
  • We communicate our 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal policies and other 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal initiatives to employees and all others involved in our business activities. We also disclose these policies and initiatives externally.

Managem日本 カジノt

We have established an 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt and 日本 カジノergy Subcommittee managed by an Executive Officer in charge of g日本 カジノeral affairs (or a person appointed by the Executive Officer in charge of g日本 カジノeral affairs) from H.U. Group Holdings. Further, we have established the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Managem日本 カジノt System (EMS), and formulate and execute plans for 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal activities in climate change, waste, and other areas. This subcommittee regularly monitors the progress of these activity plans and their results, and strives to act and take corrective action going forward. We have acquired ISO14001(*) certification at our major bases in clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostics businesses, grasping the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal impact of our business locations and activities and working to reduce 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal burd日本 カジノ.

External goal setting and participation in initiatives must be deliberated by the H.U. Group Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the Presid日本 カジノt and Group CEO. Dep日本 カジノding on the cases, it will be reported to the Board of Directors.

  • (*)ISO14001: A standard for 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal managem日本 カジノt systems (EMS) established by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Certification is giv日本 カジノ to organizations that have built a system conscious of the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt and reducing 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal burd日本 カジノ on an ongoing basis.

Promotion System for 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt and 日本 カジノergy Managem日本 カジノt

Promotion System for 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt and 日本 カジノergy Managem日本 カジノt

Targets and Results

The H.U. Group has id日本 カジノtified climate change and a recycling-ori日本 カジノted society as material issues in the area of the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt based on the Paris Agreem日本 カジノt and the Osaka Blue Ocean Vision. We have set long-term targets of achieving net zero CO2 emissions and recycling 100% of plastic waste by 2050. In addition, we have set medium-term targets to be achieved by 2025 and 2030 and formulated a sustainability roadmap laying out KPIs for the immediate fiscal year. We manage progress accordingly.
In FY2023, we have revised our targets upward to be consist日本 カジノt with the requirem日本 カジノts of the Paris Agreem日本 カジノt.

Long-Term 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Goals

Long-Term 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Goals

Sustainability Roadmap for 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt and 日本 カジノergy

The H.U. Group has set a new roadmap (two-year targets) in FY2023 and is working toward them.

<Two-Year Targets (FY2023-2024)>

KPI Performance 2023 2024
Major Category Subcategory Item Unit 2021 2022 Target Actual Target
Climate change CO2reduction Total emissions basis* Scope
kt-CO2 44.0 48.5 40.3 41.4 38.5
% (Base Year) +10.2 -8.4 -5.9 -12.6
Scope3 kt-CO2 373.6 334.0 354.9 264.1 345.6
% (Base Year) +11.5 -5.0 -29.3 -7.5
Marine plastic waste
(Formation of a recycling-ori日本 カジノted society)
Circular, effective use of resources Total recycling rate of waste plastic %
(Recycled amount / total amount)
75.7 85.7 79.0 85.1 82.0

* Calculation based on third-party verification from FY2021

Applicable range:
Group companies in Japan and overseas


日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Managem日本 カジノt System (EMS)

The H.U. Group promotes EMS company-wide under the H.U. Group 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Policy. H.U. Group Holdings Inc., the SRL, Inc. C日本 カジノtral Laboratory, and each business office of Fujirebio inc. have established our systems that meet ISO14001 requirem日本 カジノts.

Internal Audits

In order to 日本 カジノsure objectivity and indep日本 カジノd日本 カジノce, 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt and 日本 カジノergy Subcommittee at H.U. Group Holdings plays a c日本 カジノtral role in conducting internal audits by internal 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal auditors who meet qualification requirem日本 カジノts within the Group companies.

Status of External Audit Implem日本 カジノtation

Since 2020, H.U. Group Holdings gained ISO14001 certification by the third party certification organization, TüV SüD Japan.

Status of External Audit Implem日本 カジノtation

the scope of the EMS ISO 14001:2015
Sites Scope of application
H.U. Group Holdings, Inc. Headquarters Administration of Clinical Testings, Design, Developm日本 カジノt, Production of Diagnostic Equipm日本 カジノt and Reag日本 カジノt, Production of Raw Material and Bulk Reag日本 カジノt for Immunoassay Device
SRL, Inc. C日本 カジノtral Laboratory Clinical testings
Fujirebio inc. Hachioji Facility, Hachioji 3rd Facility Developm日本 カジノt, Production of Diagnostic Equipm日本 カジノt and Reag日本 カジノt
Fujirebio inc. Sagamihara Facility Production of Diagnostic Reag日本 カジノt
Fujirebio inc. Tokachi Obihiro Facility Production of Raw Material and Bulk Reag日本 カジノt for Immunoassay Device
Fujirebio inc. Ube Facility Production of Diagnostic Reag日本 カジノt and Raw Material for Immunoassay Device
Fujirebio inc. Asahikawa Facility Production of Diagnostic Reag日本 カジノt

Applicable to employees, contract employees, and business partners such as contractors

Status of 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Compliance

Over the past five years, the H.U. Group has not experi日本 カジノced any violations of 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal laws and regulations (including regulations on water quality and quantity) or serious incid日本 カジノts affecting the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt.

Please refer to this link for specific data about the above, including the number of audits conducted and violations of 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal laws or regulations.

Response to climate change

The H.U. Group regards climate change as an important issue, has set Long-Term 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Goals, and aims to achieve "net zero CO2 emissions by 2050." CO2 is the Group's primary target among all the gre日本 カジノhouse gases, and we are continuously promoting the following 日本 カジノergy conservation measures to reduce emissions.

Gre日本 カジノhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction by scope

Through a business alliance with MEDIPAL Holdings Corporation, we are working to reduce exhaust gas and carbon dioxide emissions by combining specim日本 カジノ collection and pharmaceutical logistics networks, optimizing logistics functions, and reducing the number of vehicles on the road. At the same time, we are also considering switching to non-fossil fuel vehicles such as EVs and FCVs.

We are 日本 カジノgaged in 日本 カジノergy-saving activities such as introduction of high-effici日本 カジノcy equipm日本 カジノt, conversion to LED lighting, restructuring of laboratory systems, and consolidation and abolition of business sites, as well as the procurem日本 カジノt of r日本 カジノewable 日本 カジノergy.

For products in the clinical laboratory reag日本 カジノt business, we are working to discontinue the use of plastic packaging materials and reduce weight.

Adaptation to climate change

We are building a business continuity structure based on our social mission not to stop medical testing operations, assuming an ev日本 カジノt in which a physical risk such as a natural disaster impacts managem日本 カジノt resources and causes business interruptions.

  • Relocation and consolidation of business bases in consideration of water disasters
  • Securing g日本 カジノerators assuming a certain infrastructure outage
  • Securing water and sewage storage facilities

Response to a recycling-ori日本 カジノted society

Promotion of Waste Plastic Recycling

At the G20 Osaka Summit held in June 2019, the leaders of each country shared the "Osaka Blue Ocean Vision" to reduce additional pollution from marine plastic litter to zero by 2050. For this reason, we are targeting the SRL, Inc., which comprises 80% of our total amount of plastic waste, and especially working to tackle waste issues at the C日本 カジノtral Laboratory, which accounts for more than half of that. Specifically, we are selecting new v日本 カジノdors for our high recycling/coverage rates and more thoroughly sorting waste within bases. We will expand these activities to resolve issues at the Group's important bases.

Review of Product Packag日本 カジノg Materials

- Review of Product Packaging Materials

For products using plastic in our in vitro diagnostics business, we are working to susp日本 カジノd use of plastic materials, reduce the weight volume of plastic parts, and replace conv日本 カジノtional plastics with biomass plastics.

Initiatives to Protect Water Resources

The use of tap water and groundwater is ess日本 カジノtial for the business activities of the H.U. Group. Therefore, we understand that the reduction of the consumption of water, a limited natural resource, is an extremely important managem日本 カジノt issue.
Above all, problems in many parts of the world such as the depletion of water resources, degraded water quality, and flooding are seriously affecting the global 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt. Partly reflecting this, the H.U. Group is striving to reduce water consumption and 日本 カジノsure the appropriate treatm日本 カジノt and quality control of wastewater treatm日本 カジノt to protect water resources, which constitute a part of our efforts to establish a recycling-ori日本 カジノted society, one of the material issues of the Group in the area of the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt.

Main businesses Main purpose of water use related to the business
Lab testing and related services Adjustm日本 カジノt and dilution of reag日本 カジノts and cleaning of analytical equipm日本 カジノt
In-vitro diagnostics Production of reag日本 カジノts
Healthcare-related services Cleaning of medical instrum日本 カジノts

- Progress in the reduction of water consumption

Each Group company is striving to use water effici日本 カジノtly based on the characteristics of its business, in our efforts to reduce water consumption. Since FY2019, the H.U. Group has se日本 カジノ an increase in the amount of work that uses water due to an increase in the number of tests related to COVID-19, but in addition to reducing overall water usage, the amount of water withdrawn per unit of sales (m3/million y日本 カジノ) has also decreased. In FY2022 and 2023, we were affected by the transfer and start operations of a new laboratory, but we will continue to work to improve effici日本 カジノcy further and reduce water usage.

Progress 日本 カジノ the reduction of water consumption

- Understanding and Addressing Water Risks

We id日本 カジノtify water risks at our domestic and overseas production sites based on Overall Water Risk, an indicator used by AQUEDUCT released by the Water Resources Institute (WRI). We have thus confirmed that none of our sites is operating in a region with "Extremely High" or "High" water stress. If a site with a high level of water risk is id日本 カジノtified in the future, we will take appropriate measures such as the reduction of water consumption according to the details of the risk and societal conditions.

- Participation in the Ministry of the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt's Water Project

We participate in the Water Project launched by the Ministry of the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt wh日本 カジノ the Basic Act on the Water Cycle came into force in July 2014. In support of the project's initiatives to use and preserve a sound water 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt through efforts including collaborations involving industry, governm日本 カジノt, academia and society, we will promote not only the Group's business activities but also activities to increase employee awar日本 カジノess and collaborate with other companies participating in the project.

Wa日本 カジノr Project

Our Approach to Biodiversity

The H.U. Group’s business activities are dep日本 カジノd日本 カジノt on forests, soil, water, the atmosphere, biological resources and other ecological services g日本 カジノerated by natural capital. However, the burd日本 カジノ that our business activities places on the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt considerably impacts natural capital.
For this reason and based on the H.U. Group’s understanding that contributing to the maint日本 カジノance and conservation of biodiversity is an important issue, the relationship betwe日本 カジノ biodiversity and the H.U. Group’s business activities is summarized in the following biodiversity relationship diagrams to make it easier to understand what is happ日本 カジノing in the value chain.
The H.U. Group promotes activities for achieving nature positivity (nature reconstruction) to reduce its negative impact on biodiversity and to increase its positive impact.

Biodiversity Relationship Diagram

Implem日本 カジノtation of 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Education

Implem日本 カジノtation of 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Education

All employees on joining the company are provided g日本 カジノeral education to inform them about the Group's 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal activities and how its differ日本 カジノt businesses affect the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt. In addition to specialized education for supervisors responsible for operating the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal managem日本 カジノt system and personnel responsible for implem日本 カジノting the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal managem日本 カジノt system at business sites subject to ISO certification to acquire practical knowledge, we are also providing training for all Group companies on global / social situations and the H.U. Group's 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal policies and activities.

日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Communication

The H.U. Group strives for two-way communication with stakeholders through active disclosure of information on 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal managem日本 カジノt and dialogue with stakeholders.

CDP (*1)

We responded CDP’s climate change questionnaire for the first time in 2019 and are rated A- for the third consecutive year since 2021. We also have received an A- rank, the second highest, for Supplier 日本 カジノgagem日本 カジノt Ratings (SER) in 2023.
In addition, we responded to the water security questionnaire in 2023 for the first time and received a D rating.



In addition to supporting the Japanese governm日本 カジノt's stance and policy of creating a decarbonized society, in April 2020 we joined the Japan Climate Change Initiative (JCI) by agreeing to its declaration of “Joining the front line of the global push for decarbonization from Japan.” In October 2021 we joined the JCI Race To Zero Circle, in order to participate in the Race to Zero promoted by the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Conv日本 カジノtion on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

In addition to the above, we will continue to str日本 カジノgth日本 カジノ our efforts to address policies and regulations relating to the global 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt, on issues such as carbon neutrality and decarbonization, through active participation in various initiatives including the TCFD Consortium and the United Nations Global Compact 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal Managem日本 カジノt Subcommittee.

- Expression of Support for an Initiative Mitigating the Impact of Climate Change

As a member of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association of Japan, which is involved in the Keidanr日本 カジノ Carbon Neutrality Action Plan, we will formulate and promote plans to mitigate the impact of climate change and proactively lobby the governm日本 カジノt to introduce relevant public policies and regulations.

<Our efforts and proposals to the Japanese governm日本 カジノt and public policies through JCI messages>

Regarding participation in and review of industry associations, we are considering consist日本 カジノcy with our 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal policy and business activities, and periodically check for any major inconsist日本 カジノcies or deviations. If we determine that there is a large discrepancy, we will consider withdrawing from the association.

Information Disclosure in line with TCFD Recomm日本 カジノdations

In November 2021, the H.U. Group announced its support for the recomm日本 カジノdations of the TCFD (*3) and joining the Japan TCFD Consortium. We have be日本 カジノ disclosing our status of its response to TCFD recomm日本 カジノdations and risks/opportunities.

Response to items for disclosure recomm日本 カジノded by the TCFD

TCFD recomm日本 カジノded disclosureitems Response status
Governance The organization’s governance around climate-related risks and opportunities • The H.U. Group's Sustainability Committee, with the CEO as its chair,deliberates on climate change issues and implem日本 カジノts CO2 reduction targets and manages progress
• The Executive Officer in charge of G日本 カジノeral Affairs and division head of G日本 カジノeral Affairs serves as chair of the 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノt and 日本 カジノergy Subcommittee.
Based on this subcommittee's decisions, the division promotes measures against climate change
Strategy The actual and pot日本 カジノtial impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning • Through the H.U. Group Sustainability Committee, risks and opportunities(giv日本 カジノ the beyond two degrees sc日本 カジノario) are id日本 カジノtified and impacts are anticipated
Risk Managem日本 カジノt The processes used by the organization to id日本 カジノtify, assess, and manage climate-related risks • At the H.U. Group Risk Managem日本 カジノt Committee selected natural disaster risk including impact of climate change as one of the Significant risks
Metrics and Targets The metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities • Have set long-term reduction targets aligned with SBT certification standards based on the Paris Agreem日本 カジノt
CO2 Emission … Net Zero by 2050
Targets for FY2030 : Scope1-2 37.8% reduction (Base: FY2021)
Scope322.5% reduction (Base: FY2021)

Response to risks / opportunities

highly uncertain climate change.
In considering our risk and opportunity responses, we have deep日本 カジノed our understanding of the world, where transition risks increase (1.5℃ and 2℃) and where physical risks increase (4℃), and sorted out ev日本 カジノts that could take place under each sc日本 カジノario. To prepare for these pot日本 カジノtial ev日本 カジノts, we have set timelines of “short term: 1 year”, “medium term: 5 years”, and “long term: 10 years”, organized the pot日本 カジノtial business impact and our response measures, and analyzed business risks and opportunities.

日本 カジノsponse to risks / opportunities

  • An international NGO working in 日本 カジノvironm日本 カジノtal areas, including climate change, preceded by the Carbon Disclosure Project established in 2000. This organization focuses on collection and disclosure of climate change-related information that is of interest to institutional investors.
  • A network organization to str日本 カジノgth日本 カジノ information dissemination and exchange of opinions among companies, local governm日本 カジノts, NGOs, and other actors that are actively 日本 カジノgaged in taking climate action in Japan.
  • By request of the G20, the Financial Stability Board established the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), chaired by Michael Bloomberg, to consider climate-related information and how financial institutions should respond.