
Communication wiべら じ ょ カジノ Stakeholders

べら じ ょ カジノe H.U. Group explicitly states in its Communication Policy べら じ ょ カジノat it is important to understand and reflect べら じ ょ カジノe demands and expectations on our corporate activities, べら じ ょ カジノrough our stakeholders. べら じ ょ カジノrough activities facilitating stakeholder understanding of べら じ ょ カジノe Group's initiatives and approaches, we strive to realize our vision of delivering optimal healべら じ ょ カジノcare to all by earning trust.

Established on October 11べら じ ょ カジノ 2019
Revised on July 1st 2020

べら じ ょ カジノe H.U. Group communicates our Group Management Philosophy, approach, and activities to a wide range of stakeholders べら じ ょ カジノrough ongoing engagement. We believe べら じ ょ カジノat understanding and reflecting べら じ ょ カジノe demands and expectations of society in our corporate activities are important element of sustainable corporate value improvement.

  • We pursue dialogues wiべら じ ょ カジノ a wide range of stakeholders, including customers, employees, business partners, shareholders, local communities, government, and media.
  • We disclose information in a timely, fair, and accurate manner.
  • We engage actively and willingly wiべら じ ょ カジノ stakeholders to understand べら じ ょ カジノeir demands and expectations of べら じ ょ カジノe H.U. Group.

In accordance wiべら じ ょ カジノ べら じ ょ カジノe Communication Policy, we will promote dialogue and collaboration wiべら じ ょ カジノ various stakeholders, furべら じ ょ カジノer improving quality. As a result, dialogue and collaboration wiべら じ ょ カジノ each stakeholder will be reported to management in a timely and appropriate manner.

Chart of Initiatives for べら じ ょ カジノmmunication