Sustaライブ ハウス カジノability

Sustainability at ライブ ハウス カジノ.U. Group

ライブ ハウス カジノ.U. Group Management Philosophy consists of three main declarations; Mission, Vision, and Values. We believe we can fulfill our sustainability through our business activities, which we base on our management philosophy. By means of this framework, we create strong relationships with a wide range of stakeholders, engaging in initiatives to solve social issues through our business activities.

For ライブ ハウス カジノ.U. Group Management Philosophy, click here.

ライブ ハウス カジノ.U. Group announced key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets related to its sustainability activities as H.U. Group Sustainability Roadmap in line with the Medium-term Plan, H.U. 2025, that was announced in 2020. Following this roadmap, we advanced initiatives over three years to FY2022.

H.U. ライブ ハウス カジノ Sustainability Roadmap (from 2020 to 2022)

In FY2023, we announced a new Sustainability Roadmap that includes two-year targets for ライブ ハウス カジノ period up to FY2024. We have been working to continue to enhance our sustainability activities.

Sustaライブ ハウス カジノability Roadmap

The boundary is to be ライブ ハウス カジノ.U. Group Holdings and the companies that make up the group's funded sales ratio of 95%.

Refer to ライブ ハウス カジノ roadmaps of each subcommittee.

H.U. ライブ ハウス カジノ Long-Term Environmental Goals

ライブ ハウス カジノ.U. Group has been advancing initiatives to achieve long-term targets related to climate change and a recycling-oriented society, which were identified as material issues in the field of the environment based on the Paris Agreement and the Osaka Blue Ocean Vision.
For climate change, we have set ライブ ハウス カジノ target of reducing our total CO2 emissions. For a recycling-oriented society, we have set ライブ ハウス カジノ target of increasing our plastic recycling rate.
The sense of crisis about the increasingly serious issue of climate change has been growing globally. In response, ライブ ハウス カジノ.U. Group decided to be even more proactive in addressing this issue and announced revisions setting more ambitious targets in May 2023. Our FY2030 target has been revised to a 37.8% reduction of CO2 emissions (from the level in FY2021), and we are continuing to strive to accelerate our initiatives.

ライブ ハウス カジノ.U. Group Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by ライブ ハウス カジノ.U. Group Holdings CEO, discusses the Group's sustainability action plans. The committee monitors the progress of the action plans at each Group company and also gathers and shares information about the latest activities conducted by other companies. The committee also sets up subcommittees led by the division heads of related operations to execute the sustainability action plan.
Contents of discussion and resolutions made and passed by ライブ ハウス カジノ committee are reported to ライブ ハウス カジノ Board of Directors.

Promotion Structure for Sustaライブ ハウス カジノability

Sustaライブ ハウス カジノability Document architecture