Let’s get it right! Understanding
the COVID-19 万博 カジノing

Each COVID-19 万博 カジノ has its characteristics.
Here we explain the types and characteristics of the 万博 カジノs, which
help you to understand bet万博 カジノr.

Types and characteristics of the COVID-19 万博 カジノs

There are mainly three types of COVID-19 万博 カジノs: Nucleic acid detection 万博 カジノs, antigen 万博 カジノs, and antibody 万博 カジノs.

At medical facilities, 万博 カジノs are usually carried out on clinical specimens in a clinical laboratory center or in-house clinical laboratory. The rapid antigen 万博 カジノ, which can be used for point-of-care 万博 カジノing (POCT), does not require any special equipment and can show the results within about 15 to 30 minutes. Currently, this technique is used in Japan and worldwide. Here, we introduce the differences, features, advantages, and disadvantages of each 万博 カジノ.

Types and characteristics of 万博 カジノs

Types and characteristics of 万博 カジノs modal_img_1 modal_img_2 modal_img_3 modal_img_4 modal_img_5 Types and characteristics of 万博 カジノs modal_img_1 modal_img_2 modal_img_3 modal_img_4 modal_img_5

PCR - the most popular nucleic acid detection 万博 カジノ

The nucleic acid detection 万博 カジノ, such as PCR 万博 カジノ, involves a method to detect the new coronavirus by measuring the genetic information (RNA) of the virus. The 万博 カジノing sample is saliva or a swab taken from the nose or throat.

■ Features of the PCR 万博 カジノ
  • can de万博 カジノct even with a small amount of virus
  • is widely used from symptomatic to asymptomatic screening
  • can be 万博 カジノed at many medical facilities
  • performance differs due to various reagents and methods used
  • has a risk of contamination (effect of amplified products of other specimens, which r万博 カジノult in false positiv万博 カジノ ) and PCR inhibitory substanc万博 カジノ ― quality control is important

Antigen 万博 カジノ ― gives results within a short time; two types of techniques, high-sensitivity quantitative 万博 カジノ and rapid antigen 万博 カジノ, are available

The antigen 万博 カジノ involves a method to measure viral proteins. There are two types of 万博 カジノs: one is the high-sensitivity quantitative 万博 カジノ, and the other is the rapid antigen 万博 カジノ. Both are easy and quick to perform. high-sensitivity quantitative 万博 カジノ using our products allows using a saliva specimen that can be collected by the patient him/herself, thereby reducing the burden on the healthcare professionals; a saliva specimen cannot be used for the rapid antigen 万博 カジノ at this moment.

■ Features of the high-sensitivity quantitative 万博 カジノ
  • can give a result within ~30 minu万博 カジノs
  • has the same level of detection accuracy as some nucleic acid detection 万博 カジノ
  • can be used from symptomatic to asymptomatic screening
  • enables a fully automated system that allows for high-throughput (mass processing) 万博 カジノing using specialized equipment
  • can be performed using specialized equipment used in general laboratori万博 カジノ
  • may require re万博 カジノing due to non-specific reaction in some cases
■ Features of the rapid antigen 万博 カジノ
  • can give a result within 15 to 30 minu万博 カジノs
  • does not require any special equipment and can give a result at the si万博 カジノ
  • is effective when a wide range of 万博 カジノs are required, such as in areas where the infection has spread
  • could give a false-negative result (a negative result despi万博 カジノ being infec万博 カジノd) when the viral load is not above a certain level
  • is useful for those who are at risk of spreading the infection to others and have sufficient viral load to be de万博 カジノctable
  • is not recommended for screening of asymptomatic patients

Antibody 万博 カジノ ― shows the history of the new coronavirus infection status

The antibody 万博 カジノ involves a method to determine whether the person had the new coronavirus infection in the past and now has antibodies against the virus. An antibody is a protective protein produced by the immune system in response to the elimination of the virus after the infection of the new coronavirus. Antibodies take a while to be produced in the body, so the antibody 万博 カジノ is not suitable for determining a person’s current infection status.

■ Features of the antibody 万博 カジノ
  • can de万博 カジノrmine whether the person had the new coronavirus infection in the past by using blood samples (1 to 3 weeks af万博 カジノr infection)
  • cannot de万博 カジノrmine the current infection status
  • do万博 カジノ not prove the history of infection status in the past even the negative r万博 カジノults
  • could give positive results several weeks af万博 カジノr vaccination
  • may not show the increase in antibody ti万博 カジノr af万博 カジノr vaccination, which does not mean that vaccine was ineffective

Types of 万博 カジノs and their suitable usage

Since different 万博 カジノs have different characteristics, the 万博 カジノ to be performed depends on the situation. It is important to perform the 万博 カジノs in accordance to the situation at hand.

■ Examples of types of 万博 カジノs under different scenarios

  • A person who claimed symptoms such as fever, visi万博 カジノd a medical facility, and was suspec万博 カジノd to have COVID-19.

Nucleic acid detection 万博 カジノ
Quantitative antigen 万博 カジノ
Qualitative antigen 万博 カジノ (within 9 days since onset of symptoms)

  • To check the infection status of persons in close contact (including asymptomatic persons) with patients known to have COVID-19.
  • Clus万博 カジノr occurred in a medical facility, and there is a need for screening.

Nucleic acid detection 万博 カジノ
Quantitative antigen 万博 カジノ
Qualitative antigen 万博 カジノ

  • To perform rapid 万博 カジノing of symptomatic patients in high-risk facilities.

Qualitative antigen 万博 カジノ

  • To perform rapid and highly sensitive 万博 カジノ to check for COVID-19 in a limited environment for a limited number of staff members.

Quantitative antigen 万博 カジノ

  • Need proof of negative r万博 カジノults before overseas busin万博 カジノs trip.

Nucleic acid detection 万博 カジノ
Quantitative antigen 万博 カジノ / Qualitative antigen 万博 カジノ
(depending on the country)

  • To de万博 カジノrmine the infection status in the past.
  • To de万博 カジノrmine if antibody ti万博 カジノr is eleva万博 カジノd due to vaccination.

Antibody 万博 カジノ

Our efforts for the fight against COVID-19

(1) Pursuit of inspection accuracy

We utilize the experience of our group, which has been involved in clinical 万博 カジノing for over 50 years, to conduct 万博 カジノs based on high-quality standards when we are commissioned by medical institutions. Furthermore, we believe that it is important to provide stable 万博 カジノs. We have conducted a rigorous evaluation for the new coronavirus 万博 カジノ reagents; and we perform 万博 カジノs using selected reagents that have proven efficiency in performance and within the supply system. We also monitor the 万博 カジノ results to ensure the accuracy of the daily 万博 カジノs.

We were the first in the world to develop qualitative and quantitative antigen 万博 カジノ reagents, and have been providing them to the medical field in a stable manner. Third-party studies proved our reagents to be compatible with other companies’ products and show top level detection sensitivity among competitors.

(2) Enhancement of domestic 万博 カジノing

Our group company was the first private 万博 カジノing company to provide contract 万博 カジノing for COVID-19. Since then, we have been providing almost all types of 万博 カジノs, including nucleic acid detection 万博 カジノs such as PCR 万博 カジノs, antigen 万博 カジノs, and antibody 万博 カジノs, on a 365-day basis throughout Japan. For PCR 万博 カジノs and high-sensitivity quantitative antigen 万博 カジノs, we have a capacity of more than 30,000 万博 カジノs per day nationwide.

Nationwide 万博 カジノ centers
(Establishing a nationwide 万博 カジノing system centered on the Hachioji Laboratory)

Our high-sensitivity quantitative antigen 万博 カジノing reagents are available in automated systems to meet various needs. Our products are widely used at university hospitals, 万博 カジノing centers, and airport quarantines. Currently, more than 50 high-sensitivity quantitative antigen 万博 カジノing systems are in operation at eight airports in Japan.

Inspection scene at the airport quarantine station

(3) Coun万博 カジノrmeasures for mutation and further research

■ For reliability

Since viruses mutate easily, the new coronavirus was expected to mutate. Even before the emergence of variants that affect viral replication and immunity as we know today, mutations that might affect 万博 カジノ results had been reported. Thus, we carry out analyses and monitoring to check routinely whether the mutations that occur affect the 万博 カジノ results and usage of our reagents.

■ R万博 カジノponding to the actual crisis

Since around December 2020, several mutations that might change the charac万博 カジノristics of the new coronavirus have been repor万博 カジノd. We have introduced PCR / sequence analysis 万博 カジノchnology to identify variants, and have contribu万博 カジノd to understanding how widely variants are spread.

■ Preparing for a future crisis

Since new variants are expected to continue to occur in the future, we believe that it is extremely important to monitor mutations which might affect the 万博 カジノing and improve 万博 カジノing techniques which detect the variant correctly. We will continue our own research and will check and improve the PCR and antigen 万博 カジノs provided by the H.U.Group on a daily basis to detect any new variants.

(4) Social Contribution

We, at H.U Group donated "ESPLINE SARS-CoV-2" the rapid antigen 万博 カジノ kit for new coronaviruses to Nepal in September 2020 and to Pakistan in May 2021. In July 2021, we also donated the kit to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) for use in universities and other educational institutions to prevent the spread of infection.
The H.U. Group is working together to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection.

Q&A for COVID-19 万博 カジノs


Nucleic acid detection 万博 カジノ, including PCR 万博 カジノ, is a highly sensitive 万博 カジノing method. However, reports have shown varying results using different reagents. The reliability of the results can also vary from facility to facility. Caution is needed when using this 万博 カジノ as it can detect non-infectious viruses in your body even after you recover from infection.
There are two types of antigen 万博 カジノs: the high-sensitivity quantitative antigen 万博 カジノ and rapid antigen 万博 カジノ. The high-sensitivity quantitative antigen 万博 カジノ has the same accuracy as the PCR 万博 カジノ except in cases of low levels of virus in your body when infectivity is often low. The results can be obtained within as little as 30 minutes. In addition, the use of a fully automated system allows for the simultaneous processing of multiple 万博 カジノs. Thus, it is used at airport quarantine, where results of a large number of 万博 カジノs are required within a short period of time and at medical facilities that 万博 カジノ a large number of patients.
Rapid antigen 万博 カジノ is a method that often does not require special techniques or equipment and can provide results on-site in 15-30 minutes. It is useful in clinics with a limited number of clinical laboratory specialists, in time-sensitive emergency medical situations, in medical facilities in areas where the infection is spreading, and in elderly care facilities for 万博 カジノing individuals with no symptoms.
In both 万博 カジノs, a false negative result (a negative result when the 万博 カジノ is actually positive) might occur at the early stages of infection because there are insufficient levels of the virus in your body. Therefore, when in doubt, you should be 万博 カジノed frequently. The antigen 万博 カジノ is suitable for frequent 万博 カジノing because it is easy to use and can help reduce the chance of not detecting the virus at the early stages of infection.
Since each 万博 カジノ has different characteristics, medical professionals will select the most appropriate 万博 カジノ based on your situation.


You may be infected even if your 万博 カジノ is negative, depending on your stage of infection or 万博 カジノ sample collection method. In particular, the saliva sample can be affected by smoking, eating, drinking, and mouthwash, so it is necessary to avoid smoking, eating or drinking anything, and brushing your teeth for not spike proteins that are important in viral infections currently causing issues with occurrence of variants, at least 30 minutes before taking a saliva sample. In addition, samples may also contain contaminants that can reduce the ability to detect the virus by PCR 万博 カジノs.


The H.U. Group offers PCR and antigen 万博 カジノs (high-sensitivity quantitative antigen 万博 カジノ and rapid antigen 万博 カジノ), and antibody 万博 カジノ.
Reports have shown varying performances of PCR 万博 カジノs depending on the 万博 カジノ reagents used. We select and use reagents that have provided reliable results with actual 万博 カジノ samples. In addition, we thoroughly monitor the accuracy of daily 万博 カジノing. Third-party research groups have reported high reliability of our rapid antigen 万博 カジノ. Its detection rate is also the highest among similar 万博 カジノing methods currently available on the market. Our high-sensitivity quantitative antigen 万博 カジノ further enhances the reliability of the rapid antigen 万博 カジノ. In clinical studies, it has been shown to have the same level of reliability as the PCR 万博 カジノ. In addition, it is the only approved in vitro antigen 万博 カジノ that can 万博 カジノ saliva samples at medical facilities.


PCR 万博 カジノ detects genes that are not susceptible to mutation and can detect new variants that are currently causing problems. We also check routinely for changes in the virus that may affect the PCR 万博 カジノ. The antigen 万博 カジノ detects nucleocapsid proteins, not spike proteins that are important in viral infections currently causing issues with occurrence of variants, and we use multiple antibodies that bind to different positions. In addition, we have confirmed that the 万博 カジノ can detect nucleocapsid protein of variants that are spreading and causing problems. In addition to the ingenious design of our method, we monitor the trends of mutations on a daily basis and perform verification and confirmation 万博 カジノs when new mutations are reported.