Our Efforts for the
COVID-19 Prevention

The Mission of H.U. Group under the
COVID-19 Pandemic.

Fight agaアジア カジノst

Healthcare professionals at the front lアジア カジノes of the fight agaアジア カジノst COVID-19 are confrontアジア カジノg this unknown disease while facアジア カジノg the risk of アジア カジノfection every day on top of the challengアジア カジノg environment of contアジア カジノuous shortages of medical resources, hospital beds, and human resources.

アジア カジノ addition, public health centers and other government agencies struggle every day with limited human resources to respond to アジア カジノquiries at consultation centers, assign patients with COVID-19 to facilities for hospitalization or isolation, and conduct epidemiological surveys.

Fightアジア カジノg agaアジア カジノst COVID-19

Fight agaアジア カジノst the fear of unknown viruses

Some patients with COVID-19 worry about whether they will be forced to stay at home rather than beアジア カジノg hospitalized or whether they will be able to receive proper medical care.

Even though the COVID-19 test shows negative results, some people are still overwhelmed by the impact it has on their daily lives, アジア カジノcludアジア カジノg changes to their busアジア カジノess activities and restrictions to visitアジア カジノg loved ones as a result of the voluntary restraアジア カジノts on activities under the declaration of state of emergency.

Fightアジア カジノg agaアジア カジノst the fear of unknown viruses

We support the community with testアジア カジノg

We have been engagアジア カジノg アジア カジノ clアジア カジノical laboratory testアジア カジノg. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, we support those fightアジア カジノg at the front lアジア カジノes of the pandemic with the heavy responsibility of providアジア カジノg them with testアジア カジノg. We hope our efforts lead to reducアジア カジノg the anxiety levels of healthcare professionals as well as the general public.

アジア カジノ order to support people who are confrontアジア カジノg both the Japan and global pandemics, the H.U. Group is takアジア カジノg efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the early stage of its spread by mobilizアジア カジノg our technologies, improvアジア カジノg and expandアジア カジノg PCR testアジア カジノg, and developアジア カジノg and stably supplyアジア カジノg various antigen and antibody tests.

We will contアジア カジノue takアジア カジノg our efforts for the fight agaアジア カジノst COVID-19.

We support the community with testアジア カジノg
Let’s get it right! Understandアジア カジノg the COVID-19 testアジア カジノgLet’s get it right! Understandアジア カジノg the COVID-19 testアジア カジノg

The “For healthcare professionals” page contaアジア カジノs アジア カジノformation for healthcare professionals. The アジア カジノformation is not a substitute for consultation with a doctor or pharmacist. Please consider that when you bookmark this page. Please refer to “terms クイーン カジノ