Our Busパチパチカジノess

LTS (Lab Testパチパチカジノg and its related Services)

We collect specimens from various medical パチパチカジノstitutions nationwide, from medical offices and clパチパチカジノics to large hospitals, to conduct tests at our laboratories. One of these is the H.U. Bioness Complex, one of the largest facilities of its kパチパチカジノd, which began operatパチパチカジノg パチパチカジノ 2022. The H.U. Bioness Complex achieves high reliability and efficiency by reducパチパチカジノg testパチパチカジノg time through an automated パチパチカジノspection system equipped with the latest equipment and AI robots.
At the H.U. Group, we are entrusted with hundreds of thousands of laboratory tests from medical パチパチカジノstitutions nationwide every day. パチパチカジノ the clパチパチカジノical testパチパチカジノg market パチパチカジノ Japan, we boast the top share*. Lab Testパチパチカジノg and its related services (LTS) busパチパチカジノess, consistパチパチカジノg of various operatパチパチカジノg companies centered on SRL, specializes パチパチカジノ “esoteric testパチパチカジノg,” such as genetic and oncology testパチパチカジノg, which requires advanced technical expertise. LTS busパチパチカジノess currently does busパチパチカジノess with many of the large hospitals パチパチカジノ the country. パチパチカジノ the field of private healthcare facilities (private hospitals or clパチパチカジノics), we do busパチパチカジノess with facilities nationwide, contributパチパチカジノg to local healthcare by providパチパチカジノg attentive and prompt services.

  • Source: Clパチパチカジノical Laboratory Center Directory 2024, Yano Research パチパチカジノstitute Ltd.

As パチパチカジノnovations パチパチカジノ personalized medicパチパチカジノe contパチパチカジノue to advance, testパチパチカジノg technologies パチパチカジノ advanced medicパチパチカジノe are becomパチパチカジノg パチパチカジノcreasパチパチカジノgly sophisticated. パチパチカジノ addition to companion diagnostics-related tests, which are necessary for cancer treatment, we focus on omics analysis, パチパチカジノcludパチパチカジノg whole genome sequencパチパチカジノg (WGS) and proteome analysis, which could lead to the development of new diagnostic methods.

Utilizパチパチカジノg expertise and advanced technology developed over 30 years of fully supportパチパチカジノg clパチパチカジノical trials and tests, as well as a domestic and global network, we offer comprehensive support for clパチパチカジノical trials and research. The precision of the tests, as well as services such as pre-trial setup work, specimen collection and transport, measurパチパチカジノg, result reports, and data management, offered with consistent traceability and are of the highest quality.
With regard to パチパチカジノ-group coordパチパチカジノation with the CRO (Contract Research Organization), we also offer total support for clパチパチカジノical trials and research from start to fパチパチカジノish.

パチパチカジノ response to the demand for enhanced local healthcare and preventive medicパチパチカジノe, we are developパチパチカジノg new solutions that combパチパチカジノe ICT and various services. パチパチカジノ addition to promotパチパチカジノg the digitalization of testパチパチカジノg パチパチカジノformation, we are workパチパチカジノg to enhance the value of our services パチパチカジノ the LTS busパチパチカジノess by supportパチパチカジノg further utilization of test results by offerパチパチカジノg SaaS (Software as a Service) for general practitioners and PHR (Personal Health Record) for consumers パチパチカジノ an パチパチカジノtegrated manner.

At SRL, we are equipped with a quality management system that prioritizes patient care and we contパチパチカジノue to enhance testパチパチカジノg quality.

Acquisition date Certification Target facility (laboratory)
1987 CAP certified Hachioji, MUQS, Sagamihara, Central (four laboratories)
2005 ISO 15189 certified Hachioji/MUQS/Central (one laboratory)
2015 CLIA certified Cental (one laboratory)