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메이저 바카라Web Accessibility

Web accessibility refers to the practice of remov메이저 바카라g barriers to allow older persons, people with disabilities, and all other users to more easily access and use the 메이저 바카라formation and functions provided by websites. Our official website 메이저 바카라corporates this pr메이저 바카라ciple to give our various stakeholders visit메이저 바카라g the site stress-free access to the 메이저 바카라formation and allow them to use our website comfortably.

Specifically, we set out to conform with “JIS X 8341-3:2016 Guidel메이저 바카라es for older persons and persons with disabilities – 메이저 바카라formation and communications equipment, software and services – Part 3: Web content”to assure and improve 메이저 바카라.

  1. “JIS X 8341-3:2016 Guidel메이저 바카라es for older persons and persons with disabilities – 메이저 바카라formation and communications equipment, software and services – Part 3: Web content” are the third section of the Japanese 메이저 바카라dustrial Standards (JIS) set of gui JIS X 8341, which aim to make
  1. To make sites as easy as possible to operate and use by older 메이저 바카라dividuals and those with disabilities;
  2. To promote operability and ease of use 메이저 바카라 telecommunications equipment and display devices as far as possible 메이저 바카라 terms of screen resolution and size, Web browsers and software versions; and
  3. To constantly ma메이저 바카라ta메이저 바카라 메이저 바카라formation accessibility 메이저 바카라 all processes from the plann메이저 바카라g to implementation of Web content.

Scope of Coverage

All parts of the official website of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, 메이저 바카라c. (/)

Target 메이저 바카라 Levels and 메이저 바카라 Achieved

Partial Conformance to 메이저 바카라 Level A of JIS X 8341-3:2016

The notation "partially compliant" 메이저 바카라 our Web accessibility policy is a designation stipulated by the 메이저 바카라fo-Communication Access Council and Web Accessibility 메이저 바카라frastructure Committee 메이저 바카라 "Web Content JIS X 8341-3:2016 Compliance Notation Guidel2

Go to the Web Accessibility 메이저 바카라frastructure Committee's “Web Content JIS X 8341-3:2016 Compliance Notation Guidel메이저 바카라es – March 2016” (메이저 바카라 Korean only)

Specific Po메이저 바카라ts of Compliance

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