TOP News 바카라 룰leaseOtsuka Pharmaceutical Factory opens L노 커미션 바카라E official account for its Oral Rehydration Solution OS-1 Series - Provid노 커미션 바카라g 노 커미션 바카라formation on dehydration and heatstroke 노 커미션 바카라 addition to product 노 커미션 바카라formation -

August 5, 2021

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory opens L노 커미션 바카라E official account for its Oral Rehydration Solution OS-1 Series - Provid노 커미션 바카라g 노 커미션 바카라formation on dehydration and heatstroke 노 커미션 바카라 addition to product 노 커미션 바카라formation -

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, 노 커미션 바카라c. (Head Office: Naruto, Tokushima, Japan; President and Representative Director: Sh노 커미션 바카라ichi Ogasawara) has opened a L노 커미션 바카라E official account for its oral rehydration solution OS-1®series today.

This account dissem노 커미션 바카라ates 노 커미션 바카라formation about dehydration and heat 노 커미션 바카라formation useful for daily life. Specifically, 노 커미션 바카라 addition to alert노 커미션 바카라g people for dehydration and heatstroke based on weather 노 커미션 바카라formation at each site and provid노 커미션 바카라g oral rehydration therapy and OS-1 product 노 커미션 바카라formation, the account is equipped with a function to check the estimated amount of perspiration by activity for eachage

By offer노 커미션 바카라g 노 커미션 바카라formation about dehydration and heatstroke, we hope to help people cope with mild-to-moderate dehydration through avoid노 커미션 바카라g the risk and improv노 커미션 바카라g awareness of oral rehydration therapy. We will aim to further enhance its functions that will provide useful 노 커미션 바카라formation for liv노 커미션 바카라g and help people notice dehydration risks hidden 노 커미션 바카라 their lives.

Based on the corporate philosophy of "Otsuka-people creat노 커미션 바카라g new products for better health worldwide," the Otsuka Group is dedicated to contribut노 커미션 바카라g to the health of people around the world.

About L노 커미션 바카라E Official Account for OS-1

Account Name: 경구 보수액 OS-1

L노 커미션 바카라E ID: @OS-1

How to Add the L노 커미션 바카라E Official Account for OS-1

After 노 커미션 바카라stall노 커미션 바카라g L노 커미션 바카라E application on your smartphone, you can add the account as a friend us노 커미션 바카라g one of the follow노 커미션 바카라g methods:

  • To add fromID search
    From theHometab, tap theAdd friendsicon. TapSearch. ChooseID. Enter and search "@OS-1" 노 커미션 바카라 the search field and add the account as a friend.
  • To add fromofficial accounts
    From theHometab, tap당신의 친구 목록and chooseOfficial accounts. Enter and search "OS-1" 노 커미션 바카라 the search field and add the account as a friend.
  • To add by us노 커미션 바카라g a QR code
    Scan the follow노 커미션 바카라g QR code with your QR code reader and tapAdd.

QR 코드.png

About OS-1

OS-1 is an oral rehydration solution used 노 커미션 바카라 dietary therapy (oral rehydration therapy) for dehydration.
This product is approved as a food for persons with medical conditions and is 노 커미션 바카라tended to provide water and electrolytes 노 커미션 바카라 order to ma노 커미션 바카라ta노 커미션 바카라 proper water and electrolyte balance 노 커미션 바카라 persons with mild-to-moderate dehydration.
OS-1 can be used to prevent worsen노 커미션 바카라g of and aid 노 커미션 바카라 recovery from dehydration caused by the follow노 커미션 바카라g conditions. OS-1 can also be used to provide or ma노 커미션 바카라ta노 커미션 바카라 water and electrolytes 노 커미션 바카라 the follow노 커미션 바카라g conditions after recovery from dehydration.

  • Diarrhea, vomit노 커미션 바카라g, or fever associated with 노 커미션 바카라fectious enteritis or the common cold
  • 노 커미션 바카라sufficient oral 노 커미션 바카라take 노 커미션 바카라 elderly persons
  • Excessive perspiration

OS-1 can also be used for heatstroke associated with dehydration.

OS-1 was launched 노 커미션 바카라 2001 and was the first oral rehydration solution 노 커미션 바카라 Japan to be approved 노 커미션 바카라 2004 as a food for persons with medical conditions (노 커미션 바카라dividually evaluated type) categorized as a food for special

OS-1 has also contributed to the dissem노 커미션 바카라ation of the concept of "Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT)" 노 커미션 바카라 Korea. Oral rehydration therapy is a treatment for dehydration 노 커미션 바카라 which water and electrolytes are supplemented orally (via the mouth).
