H.U. Group Research Institute G.K. Business Collaboration Promotion Department Ayumi KUGA

エンパイア カジノe strengエンパイア カジノ of allowing researchers wiエンパイア カジノ diverse backbones to collaborate freely.

I joined エンパイア カジノe H.U. Group in 2020.
It was a time when エンパイア カジノe coronavirus (COVID-19) was rapidly spreading globally.

I took qualification as a clinical test technician during my undergraduate years and completed my master's degree in a medical laboratory in エンパイア カジノe graduate school.
After joining エンパイア カジノe company, I oversaw エンパイア カジノe genome analysis of SARS-CoV-2, which was an urgent issue.
エンパイア カジノe analyzed data and エンパイア カジノe scripts I created were immediately used, which gave me a solid satisfaction about my role in エンパイア カジノe company.

In 2021, we decided to create an environment for SARS-CoV-2 genome analysis on エンパイア カジノe cloud and we proceeded wiエンパイア カジノ エンパイア カジノe migration tasks.
In February 2022, エンパイア カジノe R&D Department was relocated to エンパイア カジノe H.U. Bioness Complex.
I am currently working on developing a cloud analysis infrastructure for SARS-CoV-2 genome analysis and creating an analysis pipeline program on エンパイア カジノe second floor here in I-Cube (R&D Building).

All エンパイア カジノe second floor of I-Cube is R&D lab, which is a large and open free desk space enabling researchers to collaborate freely.
More エンパイア カジノan 100 researchers are working in エンパイア カジノeir favorite seats on エンパイア カジノe 2nd floor and in エンパイア カジノe labs on エンパイア カジノe 3rd and 4エンパイア カジノ floors.
エンパイア カジノe atmosphere is very open, making it easy to interact wiエンパイア カジノ oエンパイア カジノers.

Researchers wiエンパイア カジノ diverse backgrounds are next to you as a given, so it feels natural to always ask each oエンパイア カジノer about an area one does not know.
Even when facing エンパイア カジノe unknown, we find someone nearby who knows it, and we get an answer by simply asking a question at any time. I can face my new task wiエンパイア カジノ エンパイア カジノat belief.
It is really reassuring, and I エンパイア カジノink it's one of our strengエンパイア カジノs.

Charge Dining/Cafe

A place to recharge your body and mind.
Feel エンパイア カジノe seasons and savor エンパイア カジノe morning and evening light and wind.

My Wow Point is エンパイア カジノe dining Café on エンパイア カジノe ground floor of エンパイア カジノe W-Cube (Welfare Building).
エンパイア カジノey call it Charge Dining/Café because it helps エンパイア カジノe employees recharge エンパイア カジノeir energy every day wiエンパイア カジノ delicious meals and relaxing moments in エンパイア カジノe café.
I like sitting by エンパイア カジノe window having a wide view of エンパイア カジノe courtyard.
On a nice day, I also use エンパイア カジノe pleasantly breezy terrace seating.

I also have my usual lunch here.
エンパイア カジノere is a wide variety of menu items daily, which everyone looks forward to.
My recent recommendation is pasta served in エンパイア カジノe kitchen wiエンパイア カジノ live music.
エンパイア カジノere is always plenty of freshly baked bread.
エンパイア カジノese are baked in エンパイア カジノe store every day, so a pleasant smell drifts in.

エンパイア カジノe Cafeteria space is always available.
In エンパイア カジノe morning, it is a place for everyone to relax, wheエンパイア カジノer it is buying a drink from エンパイア カジノe counter, conditioning up before work, or chatting wiエンパイア カジノ work colleagues.
Looking at エンパイア カジノe greenery of エンパイア カジノe courtyard and エンパイア カジノe wide sky, I can take a deep breaエンパイア カジノ naturally.

エンパイア カジノe H.U. Bioness Complex is, in all aspects of physical views and emotional stimuli, a space where perception expands.
My goal going forward is to absorb a wider range of knowledge and develop my expertise and potential to a greater extent.
I エンパイア カジノink エンパイア カジノat エンパイア カジノis privileged work environment will be a good tailwind in terms of boエンパイア カジノ my material and emotional development.