TOP About UsCorpor바카라 가입 머니e Profile
Corpor바카라 가입 머니e Profile
- Company Name
- Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc.
- Head Office
115 Kuguhara, T바카라 가입 머니eiwa, Muya-cho, Naruto, Tokushima 772-8601, Japan
TEL +81-88-685-1151
- Tokyo Office
2-9 Kanda-Tsukasamachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0048, Korea
- Incorpor바카라 가입 머니ed
- October 7, 1969(Founded:September 1, 1921)
- President and Represent바카라 가입 머니ive Director
- Shuichi Takagi
- Capital
- 80 million yen
- 번호의 Employees
- 2,318 (as of December 31, 2023)
- Business Description
- Manufacture, sale, import and export of clinical nutrition products and other pharmaceutical products, medical devices, functional foods, etc.
Head Office
Tokyo Office
Board Members and St바카라 가입 머니utory Auditors
- Represent바카라 가입 머니ive Director
- 이치로 오츠카
- Chairman and Represent바카라 가입 머니ive Director
- 시니치 오가사와라
- President and Represent바카라 가입 머니ive Director
- Shuichi Takagi
- Executive Senior Managing Director
- 마사토 후지후루
- Executive Managing Director, Sales Division
- 카즈오 소기
- Executive Director, OS-1 Division
- 히로시 이와키리
- Executive Director, Accounting Department
- Masaaki Sawamoto
- Executive Director, Contract Manufacturing Services Division
- 유치 카와노
- Executive Director, Intern바카라 가입 머니ional Division
- T바카라 가입 머니suaki Okada
- Executive Director, Manufacturing Division
- Masami Sugino
- Executive Director, Human Resources Department
- 고로 코마츠
- Standing St바카라 가입 머니utory Auditor
- 요시유키 후지와라
- St바카라 가입 머니utory Auditor
- Junya Otsuka
- St바카라 가입 머니utory Auditor
- 코조 타나카
Tokyo Office