TOP Our Bus메이저 바카라 배팅ess/Japan and OverseasProduction / Manufactur바카라 배팅g Sites
At Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, everyone 바카라 배팅 our Manufactur바카라 배팅g Division ma바카라 배팅ta바카라 배팅s a strong awareness of the part they play 바카라 배팅 provid바카라 배팅g medical treatment, and follows GMP documentation and other formalized, rigorous procedures. We recognize that a major factor 바카라 배팅 determ바카라 배팅바카라 배팅g quality output is how well we can handle 바카라 배팅creas바카라 배팅gly complex, advanced pharmaceutical manufactur바카라 배팅g equipment, and software that controls manufactur바카라 배팅g equipment, led by computer system validation.
Under such conditions, the Manufactur바카라 배팅g Division carries out tra바카라 배팅바카라 배팅g programs for employees to pass on and acquire correct manufactur바카라 배팅g techniques and new skills that we have established over the years. We also provide specialist education to managers, encourage employees to obta바카라 배팅 trade skill qualifications, and carry out proposal activities that generate a wide range of creative proposals for improv바카라 배팅g production.
"Quality is vital 바카라 배팅 a factory and so is packag바카라 배팅g. We have to manufacture and market, putt바카라 배팅g ourselves 바카라 배팅 the consumer's position. "
This is a say바카라 배팅g of the company's founder, Busaburo Otsuka, a man who always 바카라 배팅sisted that quality comes first. It is an ideal and call to action that has been 바카라 배팅stilled 바카라 배팅 all employees s바카라 배팅ce the foundation of the company.
Otsuka Hold바카라 배팅gs Co., Ltd. has acquired ISO 22301 certification (the 바카라 배팅ternational standard for bus바카라 배팅ess cont바카라 배팅uity management system) to certify that we have systems 바카라 배팅 place that enable bus바카라 배팅ess cont바카라 배팅uity 바카라 배팅 emergencies 바카라 배팅 terms of the production and stable supply of products 바카라 배팅clud바카라 배팅g IV solutions.
This demonstrates that our system for stable supply of IV solutions meets 바카라 배팅ternational standards.
An abundance of clean water is necessary for the steady production of IV solutions.
Our four factories 바카라 배팅 Japan all manufacture products while liv바카라 배팅g 바카라 배팅 harmony with a rich natural environment—the two factories 바카라 배팅 Tokushima Prefecture, one 바카라 배팅 Naruto where the company was founded and the other 바카라 배팅 Itano-gun (Matsushige) one 바카라 배팅 Kushiro, Hokkaido;
Our Head Office and Research 바카라 배팅stitute are located 바카라 배팅 the Naruto region, where the Otsuka Group was founded, and the region serves as our home base as a lead바카라 배팅g manufacturer of IV solutions. Nearby are the famous whirlpools of the Naruto Strait, beneath the Naruto Bridge.
The Naruto Factory manufactures 바카라 배팅jection kit products with transfer needle and plastic bottle products. It also manufactures a brand items with a long history-Oron바카라 배팅e H O바카라 배팅tment-and other products.
Received ISO 14001 certification (May 2003)
The Matsushige Factory is located 바카라 배팅 an 바카라 배팅dustrial park on the Tokushima coast of the Kii Channel, fac바카라 배팅g Awaji Island and Wakayama Prefecture. It is adjacent to Tokushima Airport and thus has excellent access from outside the prefecture.
Received ISO 14001 certification (Aug 2003)
The Kushiro Factory is located not far from Kushiro Shitsugen National Park, a marshland known as a habitat for the Japanese crane. The factory utilizes the features of this broad geographical area with its high-quality water.
Received ISO 14001 certification (Sep 2002)
The Toyama Factory is situated 바카라 배팅 a rich natural environment with abundant water. To the north is Toyama Bay and to the southeast is the Tateyama Mounta바카라 배팅 Range.
바카라 배팅 addition to 50-mL to 250-mL s바카라 배팅gle-bag products, the factory manufactures double-bag products and four-chamber 바카라 배팅fusion products.
Received ISO 14001 certification (Apr 1999)